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The ICTMS (Iowa Clinical Trials Management System) is an enterprise-wide, software application system that supports the management of clinical trial data including protocol details, participants, data collection forms, calendars, financials, and billing. Use these resources to support your learning and engagement with the ICTMS.
This website is intended to familiarize you with the ICTMS and provide information and contacts to assist investigators, research team members, and others involved in non-oncology research.
Note: The ICTMS information on this page is specific to General Research. The Cancer Center has Oncology specific ICTMS resources available at ICTMS Resources for Oncology Clinical Trials.

Sandra Ahrendsen
Senior Business Analyst

Josiah Argo
Clinical Trial Systems Analyst

Shehzad Gill
Clinical Trial Systems Analyst
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“Before OnCore I relied on excel spreadsheets to keep track of enrolled subjects and to track completed activities for invoicing. First learning how to use OnCore was a bit overwhelming and intimidating, but with practice I have come to prefer it more than my old methods for subject and visit tracking. I feel more confident I am not missing items I should be invoicing for, and I like that I can easily find dates related to subject milestones (i.e., consent, re-consent, randomization, visit dates) without having to flip through my ISF binders.”
“I have found it is helpful to remove redundancies in the calendar and to think about how visits that might not be captured well in the protocol’s schedule of activities can be invoiced for before releasing the calendar. My financial analyst and the admin team have been key to helping me understand what can be removed and what options I have for tracking certain activities. One area I need more experience with is updating the calendar when a protocol amendment comes through, but overall, I know where to go for help and look forward to learning more about the OnCore platform.”
Jissele Verdinez – Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
“Although there has been a steep learning curve, OnCore is getting easier each time I log in. Figuring out where to find information has been my biggest hurdle, but as I get more familiar with this software, I am seeing the huge benefits that are to be gained. Being in the admin office, I was relying on the exchange of enrollment and procedure information in our monthly exchange of spreadsheets via email. It is nice not to wait for this information to get the invoicing completed. We are picking up the extra invoiceable with this system, whereas I believe a lot was missed in our old practices. OnCore will be helping to capture maximum revenue for our trials, for this I am thankful!”
Necole Miller – Internal Medicine
“I have been using Oncore for several months in a pediatric study. What has been most helpful is meeting monthly with the peds finance person Kelli Trimpe. We have been learning together. I give input on what items to invoice, and she has the knowledge to get them to appear on the invoice (not always as easy as it sounds). The more time I spend in the program, the more efficient I become.”
“For Internal Medicine studies, we are transitioning away from exchanging monthly spreadsheets.”
Kate Wilson – Internal Medicine
“I really like the subject management and calendar functionality. Even with manual work arounds for variable visit windows (study timeframes built on menstrual cycle instead of calendar days), it is much easier to track completed and planned visits with OnCore than with the combination of excel sheets and RedCap projects I previously was using. The automatic updates to the research tab are helpful as well, and I now only need to track participation in one or two places instead of 4 or more.”
“Invoicing and building invoices to match sponsor specifications has been a challenge, and we are still learning. Even with the challenge, OnCore has greatly improved our ability to track IRB reviews and other administrative items we should be invoicing for that would often get missed previously since our department financial analyst covers finance duties for the majority of our studies, in addition to her department duties.”
Karen Summers – Obstetrics and Gynecology
“The financials console section of OnCore improved the invoicing process and helped ensure we are capturing necessary invoiceable items. OnCore has “trigger” options that allow you to set recurring dates on invoiceable items. If something needs to be invoiced monthly, you can indicate that in OnCore. This has helped to make sure that things that can be invoiced for on a monthly and yearly basis and are not being missed since we can set a trigger. I believe OnCore has already helped bring in additional revenue for items that can be invoiced for that would have otherwise gotten missed on a traditional spreadsheet. OnCore is an ongoing learning process, but everyone has done a great job of communicating ideas of how to make reviewing the calendar and budget processes easier. I have gained more confidence and knowledge the more I use OnCore, and I am always excited to learn what the CTMS system as to offer.”
Hailie Hacker – Institute for Clinical and Translational Science