
Clara Loter is a senior at the University Of Iowa College Of Nursing. She just finished her honors student project, which involved her working in the Clinical Research Unit with the clinical research nurses and research study coordinators.
The University of Iowa is among nine institutions that were collectively awarded a five-year $25M grant from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS) to create a new CTSA Program National Center for Data to Health (CD2H).
Faculty from the Greater Plains Collaborative Iowa Research Center, located in the University of Iowa (UI) Department of Epidemiology’s Health Effectiveness Research Center in collaboration with the UI Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Biomedical Informatics Core, have received funding from PCORnet, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, to perform rapid-cycle research on cancer molecular targeted therapies.
Dr. Joel Kline, Professor of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Occupational Medicine, has accepted my offer to fill the newly created position of Vice Chair for Clinical Strategy for the Department of Internal Medicine.
University of Iowa spin-off Viewpoint Molecular Targeting has recently been awarded a $2 million Phase II NIH SBIR to support development of a new treatment for metastatic melanoma.
Learn more about Tammy Lowe, Clinical Trial & Data Management Research Associate in the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Congratulations to the research team of Philip Polgreen , Ted Herman , Manish Suneja , and Enrique Leira on receiving the University of Iowa Pilot Grant Program for Translational Stroke Studies award. The team is focusing their research on blood pressure and has prototyped a new platform...
ICTS Director Patricia Winokur, MD discusses the chikungunya vaccine and how the clinical trials are conducted on Iowa Public Radio's River to River.
Congratulations to May 2017 DAISY Award winner Jane Weber, BSN, RN, a nurse in the Clinical Research Unit. Weber, who cares for a group of boys in a Duchenne muscular dystrophy trial, plans special parties for children nearing completion of the drug trial. Weber “has truly made their time at...
The University of Iowa is one of three sites in the United States currently enrolling participants for an experimental chikungunya virus vaccine study. Our very own Patricia Winokur, MD, is the principal investigator for the trial.