Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The UI Environmental Health Sciences Research Center is seeking researchers, faculty, and graduate students who would like to be speakers/presenters at the Science Cafe, a series of community engagement events that connect UI researchers and experts with Iowa community members. The goal of the Science Cafe is to provide relevant and useful information to the public, while giving researchers an opportunity to practice sharing their expertise and/or receive community input on a research project.

These one-hour events, taking place either in-person and virtually, are structured around a presentation and group discussion about various environmental, health, and scientific topics. The in-person events for the Fall semester will be in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Transportation for presenters will be provided.

This is a rolling call for speakers, but submissions by September 6 are encouraged for the Fall 2022 event series. For questions or more information, contact Jackie Curnick at or visit