What we do

The Engagement, Integration, and Implementation (EII) Core supports engagement and integration of stakeholder perspectives through expertise in qualitative methods and patient and community engagement in research. 

Staff provide consultation on the design, conduct, analysis, and dissemination of qualitative methods for research grants and projects.

Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB)

The Core organizes the ICTS State-wide Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) which is composed of 17 community members across Iowa who represent patient advocacy groups, hospitals, nonprofits, and state and local agencies. The SAB is available for consultation on all aspects of research from design to dissemination and focuses on the integration of community perspectives in the research process.

EII staff are also available to assist research teams in developing their own patient or community advisory boards. The EII Core has expertise in the field of implementation science and provides consultation on:

Research design 

Conceptual models 


Mechanisms of change

Special Populations

The Core has expertise in developing a clinical cohorts encompassing communities and participants representing a variety of races, ethnicities, degree of rurality, and conditions of research interest across the lifespan. Patient level data from many different populations along with biosamples are available to interested investigators for novel collaborations. The Core has significant expertise in the management, harmonization, and development of site-specific data-warehousing and biorepositories and can assist in the development of the above resources specific to an investigator’s needs.

Contact Information

DeShauna Jones

DeShauna Jones, PhD

Email: deshauna-jones@uiowa.edu

Phone: 319-384-5321

Office: SW 44-A GH, located in ICTS Administration Area