The University of Iowa honors faculty and staff each year for their dedication, service, and excellence at the University of Iowa’s annual Faculty and Staff Awards celebration. This year, eighteen faculty and staff members were selected. Two of those honorees are members of the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS).
Read more about the ICTS members that received awards for their service to Iowa.
Kimberly Sprenger

David J. Skorton Award for Staff Excellence in Service to the University of Iowa
Kimberly Sprenger is a clinical research manager and oversees the Internal Medicine Pulmonary Core and the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Coordinator Core. Sprenger has been instrumental in leading efforts to help remove barriers and streamline the clinical research process; has developed a team of clinical research professionals that support investigators and studies in the College of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy; and actively supports a training program that guides clinical trial coordinators throughout the health sciences.
Sprenger serves as Iowa’s liaison for ResearchMatch, a national registry of volunteers developed and managed by members of the Clinical and Translational Science consortium. Recently, she became one of Iowa’s liaisons to the Clinical and Translational Science Awards Trial Innovation Network, which addresses roadblocks in clinical trials and accelerates the translation of novel interventions into new therapies.
Greg Stewart

The President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence
Greg Stewart, professor and Mary H. Bell Chair in Leadership in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, has taught undergraduate, MBA, and PhD students, and all have rated his teaching as outstanding. He has also been significantly involved in curriculum development and enhancement. He was instrumental in a revision of both the undergraduate and PhD curricula; was a leader in the development of the new multidisciplinary Health Care Delivery Science and Management Distinction Track for medical students; and has revised his own courses using case-based teaching methods, flipped classroom techniques, and online teaching strategies. His co-authored textbook on human resource management has emerged as one of the top textbooks in the field. Stewart is a role model for junior faculty, and is preparing the next wave of future leaders. Students in the executive MBA program have named him Great Instructor of the Year on three occasions.
Stewart is also a member of our workforce development team and leads team science efforts across the University of Iowa campus and beyond.