
The Biostatistics Core Alliance

Provide a common point of access to biostatistical support for members of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center (HCCC), the Institute for Clinical & Translation Science (ICTS), and other biomedical programs at the University of Iowa.

Biostatistics Core of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center

This program provides statistical support for investigators in the design, analysis, and reporting of cancer research projects.

Clinical Trials Statistical and Data Management Center

Situated within the Department of Biostatistics of the University of Iowa's College of Public Health, this center provides expert consultation and infrastructure for multi-center clinical trials.

Health Effectiveness Research Center

HERCe focuses on understanding the reasons for and consequences of variation in treatment or preventative services.

Iowa Summer Institute in Biostatistics

This University of Iowa program, sponsored by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, provides biostatistics training and applied research opportunities to undergraduates. The seven week program includes case-based instruction of real biomedical research, computer laboratory training, and clinical and translational research enrichment activities.

Help the Institute for Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Iowa continue making new strides in medical research by citing the NIH CTSA program grant UM1TR004403.